Elaboración de un modelo de diagrama de confort que permita la mejora ambiental de espacios urbanos mediante estrategias de ecodiseño

  1. Navarro Monreal, Juan
  2. Hernández Neguillón, Rufino
  3. Irulegi Garmendia, María Olatz
  4. Sertutxa Moriano, Ainara
  5. Ortega Gozalo, Diego
  6. Tavakoli, Nassim
Greencities & sostenibilidad: Málaga, 2-3 oct 2014 : inteligencia aplicada a la sostenibilidad urbana : comunicaciones y 2ª bienal de proyectos de edificación y urbanismo sostenible

Argitaletxea: Ayuntamiento de Málaga

ISBN: 978-84-697-0799-9

Argitalpen urtea: 2014

Orrialdeak: 426-439

Biltzarra: Greencities & sostenibilidad (5. 2014. Málaga)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


The factors that cause human discomfort in outdoor spaces, in addition to the existing climatic variety, are one of the main areas of study by the scientific community in recent years. These factors affect the quality of the open spaces between buildings and, as a result, certain activities are eligible only in certain seasons. The basic factors (solar radiation, wind speed, relative humidity and temperature) have been used since the first studies to draw diagrams of comfort in outdoor spaces, as developed by Olgyay (1968). The tools developed since then have incorporated correction factors in order to use them in specific cases where the results showed the inaccuracy of the basic model, but without regard to the degree of complexity in characterizing comfort in urban spaces that investigations are revealing. Nowadays, through new knowledge and technologies, these diagrams must be improved to integrate the wide range of factors that affect comfort during outdoor activities. This environmental study is related to urban design, the use of transitional spaces, vegetation, water bodies, windbreak and sun protection elements as well as technological devices. Computer programs, research related to thermal comfort and the variety of environmental indicators (developed with the aim to analyze the thermal-environmental behavior in outdoor spaces) demonstrates the need for an application not only able to study the impact of bioclimatic design, but that intends as well to propose a suitable solution for each environmental situation in a systematic way. From the analysis of the diagram of Olgyay and related tools, a methodology is proposed, in order to analyze environmental conditions in outdoor spaces and to develop design strategies to achieve a more comfortable environment in any climatic location. Due to the difficulties in obtaining a graphic expression that considers the full range of environmental factors, it is essential to develop a theoretical model based on a more complex human sensation indicator. This indicator (Physiological Equivalent Temperature) should enable the integration of innovative techniques, adapted to all climatic conditions and be able to represent possible environmental improvements. The developed model should turn into a key element in urban regeneration since it should allow characterization of each urban environment and provide technical solutions to improve human comfort in outdoor environments.