Arqueología del feudalismoun recorrido historiográfico por la arqueología de época medieval y moderna en el País Vasco y Navarra (SS. XI-XVIII)

  1. Solaun Bustinza, José Luis
  2. García Camino, Iñaki
  3. Moraza Barea, Alfredo
  4. Ramos Aguirre, Mikel
Medio siglo de arqueología en el Cantábrico Oriental y su Entorno: actas del Congreso Internacional
  1. Llanos Ortiz de Landaluze, Armando (coord.)

Verlag: Instituto Alavés de Arqueología ; Arabako Foru Aldundia = Diputación Foral de Alava

ISBN: 978-84-7821-739-7

Datum der Publikation: 2009

Seiten: 501-550

Kongress: Congreso Internacional "Medio Siglo de Arqueología en el Cantábrico Oriental y su Entorno" (1. 2007. Vitoria)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


This work provides an integral vision of the archaeology of medieval and modern ages (XI-XVIII centuries) developed in the Basque country and Navarre during the last 30 years. An archaeology that, in spite of the different rhythms of development, allows to be included under the generic name of Archaeology of the feudalism, because the feudal societies are the object of study of both periods. Leaving from this base the evolution of the discipline in the last decades is revised, to trace later the new methodological horizons opened up in the archaeological practice, the consolidated investigation lines and those to consolidate, as well as the implied agents. To fi nish, and by way of conclusion, some considerations regarding the projection and scientifi c diffusion of the archaeology are made, besides some future proposals.