El cambio organizativo e institucional en las cooperativas de Mondragónel caso de la cooperativa AMPO
- Altuna, Rafael
- Urteaga, Eguzki
ISSN: 1886-4171, 2013-570X
Année de publication: 2013
Titre de la publication: Protección social, discapacidad e inclusión social
Número: 11
Pages: 171-190
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: RIO: Revista Internacional de Organizaciones
This article analyzes organizational and institutional change in cooperatives by focusing on the case of the AMPO cooperative, which was a member of the Mondragon Group until 2008. This study reveals how a new management model, inspired by Koldo Saratxaga's theory, was implemented in the cooperative in 2003. This has led to changes to leadership and management style, to individual participation and management, to work processes, structures and contents and, finally, to organizational culture. These changes have brought about good quantitative results and a new client-centred strategy that has been the essential to the whole process.
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