La reflexividad en las ciencias socialesHacia un ensamblaje ontológico, epistemológico y metodológico para la generación de un conocimiento situado

  1. Martínez Ortiz, Gabriela
Dirigée par:
  1. Joseba Andoni Ibarra Unzueta Directeur/trice
  2. José de Lira Bautista Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Fecha de defensa: 15 décembre 2017

  1. Enrique Luján Salazar President
  2. Yolanda Padilla Rangel Secrétaire
  3. Fernando Plascencia Martínez Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


Starting from one self to learn the world and others, moves in the opposite direction to the scientific method. However, the methodological reflexivity proposed as a critical tool by the qualitative methodologies of the last decades suggest that perhaps, this is the path that has tobe taken as a starting point. Experimenting with new epistemological approaches within the social sciences acquires importance before the "other" voices that rise in the field of knowledge, and that demand there cognition of the subjectivities, epistemologies, and meanings of the world that have been silenced by what theorists decolonials understand as a capitalist, colonialist and patriarcal world-system.The main objective of this research is to configure an ontological and epistemological basis of the searching of an alternative model for the social sciences. This research has been developed considerating the methodological reflexivity as a critical tool and positioning it self since the situated knowledge as a part of this pair of main elements for the conformation of the said model.