Inteligencia artificial aplicada a la salud¿qué marco jurídico?

  1. Carlos María Romeo Casabona
  2. Guillermo Lazcoz Moratinos
Revista de derecho y genoma humano: genética, biotecnología y medicina avanzada

ISSN: 1134-7198

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Nummer: 52

Seiten: 139-167

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de derecho y genoma humano: genética, biotecnología y medicina avanzada


The implementation of Artificial Intelligence tools in the fields of medicine and health care is a challenge full of opportunities and risks. From a legal point of view the question is equally complex, in this article we develop some of the questions that arise from different perspectives; the legal regime of the data used to feed machine learning algorithms; the automation of clinical practice; or the opacity of these models and professional liability, among others. There are many steps to be taken in the security and validation of these complex algorithms so that they can be integrated into health care. In the same way, the embryonic legal arguments that we have included in this text must be further developed to provide legal certainty to developers and institutions involved in the application of Artificial Intelligence to health.

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