El debate en el aula de dirección de orquesta como mecanismo de aprendizaje individual y colectivo

  1. Margarita Lorenzo de Reizábal
  2. Manuel Benito Gómez
Revista Internacional de Educación Musical

ISSN: 2307-4841

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 7

Pages: 57-68

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1177/2307484119878638 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Revista Internacional de Educación Musical

Sustainable development goals


Training in orchestra conducting has traditionally been based on a model of imitation of the maestro where one of the main objectives was the reproduction of that model. However, the European Higher Education Area requires a reorganisation of the traditional roles of teachers and students; to the former it attributes a role in helping and supporting students’ learning and to the latter a more active role committed to their own learning objectives. From this point of view, this research explores the role of debates as mediation of individual and group learning. For this purpose, a hetero-observation scenario has been designed in which a group of 28 students from the 1st year of Orchestral Conducting at a Higher Conservatory of Music in Spain observe and debate the gestural performance of each of them conducting from the podium. The research explores the richness of the debates that took place post-observation and the discursive structure used, showing that such debates have led to advances and improvements in the gestures of the group studied.

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