El efecto de un programa de pensamiento crítico en el sesgo de representación en estudiantes de Pedagogía.

  1. Carlos Ossa-Cornejo
  2. Alejandro Díaz-Mujica
  3. María Victoria Pérez-Villalobos
  4. Silvia Da Costa-Dutra
  5. Darío Páez-Rovira
Psicología educativa

ISSN: 1135-755X

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Ausgabe: 26

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 87-93

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Psicología educativa


The effect of a critical thinking in cognitive biases aimed for pedagogy students is studied. Ninety-five students from two Chilean universities participated. The method consisted of a test with two probability tasks. A quasi-experimental design with pre and post-test was used, two experimental groups received training in critical thinking, one of them with explicit bias instruction, and it was contrasted with a control group. Data was analyzed through reliability and mean differences statistics. The results indicate differences between pre- and post-test in bias task 2; a significant difference between experimental group with bias training and control group was found. It is concluded that there is a difficulty to modify the cognitive biases and a need to work them explicitly

Informationen zur Finanzierung

Financiaci?n. Esta investigaci?n se desarroll? con el apoyo del proyecto FONDECYT 1161502, Modelo explicativo de la permanencia y el abandono de los estudios universitarios, basado en procesos cognitivo motivacionales?, y CONICYT Chile (CONICYT-PCHA/Doctorado Nacional/2015-21150389).

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