Geoquímica de feldespatos y moscovita de las Pegmatitas del Cap de Creus

  1. P. A. Abella 1
  2. F. Velasco 2
  3. l. Yusta 1
  4. J. C. Melgarejo i Draper 1
  1. 1 Departament de Cristal lografia, Mineralogia i Dipósits Minerals, Universitat de Barcelona
  2. 2 Departamento de Mineralogía y Petrología. Universidad del País Vasco

ISSN: 0213-683X

Année de publication: 1996

Número: 20

Pages: 700-702

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Geogaceta


The Cap de Creus (NE Spain) is the easternmost outcrop of the Hercynian basement of the Pyrenees. The peninsula is constituted by materials affected by the hercynian metamorphism. A pegmatitic field occurs within the metamorphic rocks in the northern part of the Cap de Creus peninsula. Four pegmatite types have been established according to internal structure and mineralogica/ criteria: microcline-rich (type I); beryl-columbite (type //); beryl-columbite phosphate (type 111) and albite (type IV). The composition of moscovite and feldspars have been studied. The K/Rb ratio decreases progressively from type I to type IV, and a/so there is a progressive enrichment in P, Cs, and Y, according to the degree of pegmatite evolution.