Representaciones sociales de inteligencia y los valores culturales que las enmarcan

  1. Karina Marambio
  2. Lorena Gil de Montes
  3. José Francisco Valencia
  4. Elena Zubieta

ISSN: 0718-6924

Année de publication: 2015

Volumen: 14

Número: 3

Pages: 45-55

Type: Article


D'autres publications dans: Psicoperspectivas


The attribute of being intelligent has a great social value that can facilitate or hinder the intellectual development of students. From the perspective of the theory of social representations, we examine the common sense of intelligence and how its definitions are associated with human values. This relationship can help to understand social dynamics that may be affecting what is understood as intelligence. A sample of 311 participants from Chile and Argentina completed a self-administered questionnaire. The results show a structure of nine dimensions that describe the sense of intelligence. Social representations of intelligence that emphasize cognitive and genetic attributes specified in the academic achievement were anchored in personal values of conservatism and self-promotion. Instead, Social representations of intelligence that emphasize social class differences and school dysfunction were anchored in personal values of self-transcendence and openness to change. These findings are discussed in the light of the theory of social representations and the theory of human values.

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