Silphidae (Coleoptera) necrófagos asociados a restos cadavéricos en la provincia de Bizkaia (norte de España)

  1. Asier Ruiz Camara
  2. Marta I. Saloña Bordas
  3. Pablo Bahillo de la Puebla
Boletín de la SEA

ISSN: 1134-6094

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Nummer: 65

Seiten: 69-78

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Boletín de la SEA


Various silphid species are reported in association with carcasses in Biscay province (Spain), with new information useful for forensic entomology. Four traps were placed in different areas with diverse habitat characteristics, and they were monitorised and weekly revised for one year. Five species were captured: Necrodes littoralis, Thanatophilus rugosus, Nicrophorus vespilloides, Nicrophorus humator and Nicrophorus interruptus. N. interruptus is a first record for Biscay. We summarise the population dynamics of the species and how they vary throughout the year. Also, the effect of different atmospheric conditions on their flight behaviour was investigated. The study was conducted at altitudes between 23 and 250 metres above sea level.

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