Lukrezio, Ibinagabeitiak euskaratua
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lejona, España
ISSN: 0582-6152
Year of publication: 2018
Volume: 52
Issue: 1-2
Pages: 79-91
Type: Article
More publications in: Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo: International journal of basque linguistics and philology
This article includes a previously unpublished Basque translation by Andima Ibinagabeitia: Lucretius’ De rerum natura, 1-43. In order to place that work in context, we have endeavoured to establish a list of the literary works translated into Basque by Ibinagabeitia; we have taken into account published translations, unpublished translations, and also others we know of by means of citations, even though we may not have accessed actual copies of those translations. Furthermore, the ideas Ibinagabeitia had regarding translation have been studied in his works and letters, in order to understand why he chose to translate Lucretius and the problems he may have had.