Estructura y cinemática de la Zona de Movimiento Tectónico de Carreiro y unidades adyacentes, Cabo Ortegal (NO de España).

  1. Azcárraga, J. 1
  2. Abalos, B. 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco, España

ISSN: 0213-683X

Año de publicación: 1997

Título del ejemplar: 22ª Sesión Científica, Bilbao 1997

Número: 22

Páginas: 27-30

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Geogaceta

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


Units constituents of the westernmost part of the Cabo Ortegal Complex have been mapped in this paper.These are: the Candelaria Formation, the Carreiro Zone of tectonic Movement and the Purrido Amphibolites. Cross sections with structural and/o kinematic significance have been constructed from the statistical analysis of the structural data of foliations and lineations in order to study the structure of this nappe pile. Foliations and mineral and/or stretching lineations exhibit point concentrations with high uniformity throughout the mapped formations. The average foliation orientation is 52°/125° and the lineations plunge c. 11º/042°. These trends have enabled the construction of a longitudinal down-dip structural XZ cross section with kinematic significance. Realization of NW-SE serial sections transverse to the units (with only structural significance) gives an idea of the three-dimensional geometry of the slice stack. Microstructural observations, indicate a tectonic yuxtaposition of the different tectono-stratigraphic units associated with a NE-directed sense of emplacement of hangingwall blocks, according to the present geographical coordinates. This slice stack could be related to the eo-Hercynian tectonics of the highpressure nappe from the upper allochthon.