Panorama global de aplicación de metodologías activas en estudios universitarios de ingeniería

  1. Javier Sancho Saiz
  2. Karle Olalde Azkorreta
Ikastorratza, e-Revista de didáctica

ISSN: 1988-5911

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: Metodologías activas en la enseñanza universitaria

Issue: 14

Type: Article

More publications in: Ikastorratza, e-Revista de didáctica


This article discusses about Education in Engineering from a global perspective. In particular, it focuses on the possibilities of using the so-called active methodologies. Nowadays more than ever, professional engineers must deal with certain issues such as uncertainties, incomplete specifications and demands that sometimes may be in conflict with customers, governments, environmental organizations, and general public. This fact requires that future engineers should acquire not only technical skills but also must be skilled in human relationships. In addition, engineers must be ready to adapt to continuous change, due to both technological and organizational reasons. Also, they must be capable of satisfying the market needs, as well as knowing the legal consequences of the actions they take. As a consequence of these requirements, they should receive a broad education that includes all subjects related to their future work, which have to include environmental, social and economic issues. But, in addition to sound technical skills, future engineers will require high communication skills and should be able to work in teams. However, in Engineering Education it is still predominant the traditional way of learning based on lecturing. In the opinion of the authors it is necessary to introduce a new paradigm based on the so-called active methodologies, in the Engineering Degrees Curricula.