Fibroma osificante mandibularpresentación de un caso y revisión de la litaratura

  1. Santiago, K.
  2. Romo, Laura
  3. Martínez Ortiz de Zárate, Mikel
  4. Landa Llona, Salvador
  5. Ereño Zárate, Cosme
Revista vasca de odonto-estomatología = Odontoestomatologiaren Euskal aldizkaria

ISSN: 1695-2286

Datum der Publikation: 2012

Ausgabe: 22

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 16-19

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista vasca de odonto-estomatología = Odontoestomatologiaren Euskal aldizkaria


Ossifying fibromas are benign intraosseous neoplasias involving the maxillas, especially the posterior segment of the mandible. They are characterized by slow and painless growth as the buccal plate producing the deformity itself expands. They appear more frequently in women between 35 and 40 years of age. From a radidlogy perspective, they could likened to a well-defined radiolucid and unilocular area surrounded by a radio-opaque (sclerotic) halo or like a radio-transparency with central opacities or even like a multi-ocular radioluscence. Occasionally, they can also be classified as radio-opaque. Treatment of choice would be a surgical exeresis with an extension that depends on the size and location of the lesion.