Retos y oportunidades para la transición de la edificación hacia la sostenibilidad en la CAPV

  1. Tellado Laraudogoitia, Nagore
  2. Uriarte Arrien, Amaia
  3. Ugalde Sánchez, Igone
  4. Sáenz de Zaitegui Tejero, Eguzkiñe
  5. Huidobro Rubio, Ana
  6. García Alonso, Raquel
  7. Lorenz Erice, Usue
  8. Leonardo Aurtenetxe, Jon Joseba
  9. Muniozguren Colindres, Javier
  10. Morillas Loroño, Héctor Augusto
Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía

ISSN: 0213-3865

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: Eco-innovación. Más allá de los factores, la productividad de los recursos naturales

Issue: 75

Pages: 222-252

Type: Article

More publications in: Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía


In terms of its share of GDP, the number of jobs that it provides and its environmental repercussions, building is a key industry in the current transition towards sustainability in society. The challenges of climate change translate in the building industry as a need to drastically reduce energy consumption in buildings and incorporate renewables. The huge number of players involved in the process and the close interdependence between them mean that the problem must be tacked from the viewpoint of building industry clusters. Although the industry has traditionally been conservative in its view of innovation, it has begun to realise the importance of eco-innovation in recent years. There is now a wide range of products, construction systems and lines of technological research that may in the medium term result in zero carbon buildings. To reinforce the competitiveness of the industry in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country the public authorities need to create a favourable context through policies to foster eco-innovation.

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