Afrontamiento y regulación emocional de hechos estresantesun meta-análisis de 13 estudios

  1. Velasco, C.
  2. Campos Manzano, Mirian
  3. Iraurgi Castillo, Ioseba
  4. Páez Rovira, Darío
Boletín de psicología

ISSN: 0212-8179

Datum der Publikation: 2004

Nummer: 82

Seiten: 25-44

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Boletín de psicología


Twelve coping strategies and functionality are described, based on Skinner, Edge, Altman and Sherwood (2003), Compas, Connor-Smith, Saltzman, Thomsen and Wadsworth (2001) and Penley, Tomaka and Wiebe (2002). A meta-analytical review of 13 local studies (N 1313) analyzes the correlation between a 27 items short mixed version of Folkman & Lazarus¿ Way of Coping (WOC) and Carver, Scheier & Weintraub¿s COPE coping items with an index of affect balance (PANAS). The meta-anlytical correlational review shows that direct coping, reappraisal and positive re-evaluation, and partially searching for social support coping strategies are functional. Avoidance, social withdrawal, rumination and helplessness or disengagement are dysfunctional strategies. Avoidant, social isolation, rumination and helplessness coping strategies are related to high negative affect and or low positive affect. All these results are congruent with previous meta-analysis.