La capacidad normativa de las Comunidades ForalesSu extensión al resto de comunidades autónomas

  1. Zubiri Oria, Ignacio
Papeles de economía española

ISSN: 0210-9107

Datum der Publikation: 2000

Nummer: 83

Seiten: 127-146

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Papeles de economía española


In this article we analyze the development of the fiscal capacity of the "foral" autonomous communities as well as the reasons for the conflicts that have arisen between the State and, primarily, the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and the possible paths for their soluction. We also consider whether it is reasonable from an economic standpoint to extend the "foral" system to the rest of the autonomous communities. In view of the fact that the answer is negative, we put forward an alternative fiscal decentralisation scheme applicable to all the autonomous communities.