Organizaciones en el marco de una cultura social innovadoraPropuesta de factores explicativos.

  1. Hoyos Iruarrizaga, Jon
  2. Rodríguez Castellanos, Arturo
  3. Vicente Molina, María Azucena
Creativity and survival of the firm under uncertainty
  1. Celant, Attilio (coord.)
  2. Iturralde, Txomin (coord.)

Éditorial: Academia Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, AEDEM

ISBN: 978-84-692-5174-4

Année de publication: 2009

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


In the innovation age, the necessary technology equipment and other R&D investments are not enough to configure an innovation ecosystem. The real challenge probably consists in promoting and reaching a cultural change in order to encourage and internalize innovation capacities, values and relationships such as creativity, individual initiative, reasonable risk-taking, curiosity or entrepreneurship. In this work, we attempt to get a global and multidimensional approach to innovation topic. To this aim, we propose the concept of social innovation culture through a multilevel analysis in which takes part persons, organizations and territories. Specifically, taking into account just the group of organizations, we also elaborate a specific proposal about those key factors that permit the gradual development of the innovation process, starting from the exploration phase to the creation of the newness and, finally, the phase of socialization of the innovation.