La generación de confianza en la práctica de la mediación familiar¿por qué las partes confían en los mediadores?

  1. Riera Adrover, Joan Albert
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Juan José Montaño Moreno Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. José Francisco Campos Vidal Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 13 von Dezember von 2018

  1. Manuel José Rosales Álamo Präsident/in
  2. Pilar Munuera Gómez Sekretär/in
  3. Cristina Merino Ortiz Vocal

Art: Dissertation


- Introduction: Mediation is known as a modern social science. Its historical origin is as old as the principle of human conflicts. During the last 50 years, this discipline has been a promoter of knowledge: it has been the creator of the principles and values that guide the professional practice of Mediation. However, our academic training as social workers has made us spinning about the professional practice of Mediation form our approach: the helping relationship, which is based on empathy, unconditional acceptance and authenticity; the therapeutic alliance, based on the agreements on the objectives, the tasks and the emotional bond. This premises are based on interest of the present doctoral thesis. This one offers us a new approach to a science that has opted for empirical evidence, through the development of an element that has been understood in the emotional bond of the therapeutic alliance: the trust between the mediator and the parties as a basic tool when we want to explain the success in Mediation. In this way, the present manuscript has not focused on the description of the Mediation characteristics. This research is based on the need to develop an approach of the same phenomenon in the preliminary moments of the mediation process, to achieve to improve the professional practice and to consolidate the Mediation practice as an alternative tool for conflict resolution. - Research content: According to this argue, we decided to create a questionnaire, which was compilated with the contributions of the authors whom research about the main predictor variables that generate trust. Our goal is to contrast the different contributions with the perception of the mediators who are located in the Borsí de Mediadors del Servei de Mediació de la Conselleria de Serveis Socials i Cooperació del Govern de les Illes Balears and the people served in the service for a year. - Conclusions: The results obtained have provided the opportunity to this thesis to design a model to explain the construction of a relationship of trust between the mediator and the parties in Family Mediation, based on the perception of the same in this regard. This model has been structured in four major constructs that encompass the factors that have best explained the object of study: the attitude (perceive goodwill in the mediator); aptitude (ability of the mediator to understand the conflict); the emotional bond (use the language of the parties) and; process experience (the mediator’s ability to manage the mediation process).