Fotografía y patrimonio artístico en Burgos1885-1949

  1. Peña Varó, Ana María
Dirigée par:
  1. Lena S. Iglesias Rouco Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Burgos

Année de défendre: 2016

  1. Julio Montero Díaz President
  2. María José Zaparaín Yáñez Secrétaire
  3. José Luis Gutiérrez Robledo Rapporteur
  4. Ainara Miguel Sáez de Urabain Rapporteur
  5. René Jesús Payo Hernanz Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

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This doctoral thesis has been written within the doctoral programme “The Artistic Heritage in Castile and Leon” in the History and Geography Departmen at the School of Humanities and Communication. And it is submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the PhD degree. The subject originated in the previous academic research about photographer Alfonso Vadillo. Following his we have gone into further detail about the development of Photography in our region. And, in keeping with de importance of heritage images, we have analiced both subjects: Photography and Heritage. This dichotomy has made it necessary to establish a methodology that respects the diferences betwen both aspects and, at the same time, takse care of their mutual influences. Therefore, this study provides new knowledge about photographers in Burgos. It also allows a deeper understanding of the vision we have about our Heritage.