La imagen en los libros de texto de expresión plásticaEtapa superior de la E.G.B. en España (1970-1990)

  1. Méndez Suárez, María
Dirigée par:
  1. Ángel Ventura García Preciado Directeur/trice
  2. Zacarías Calzado Almodóvar Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 18 décembre 2015

  1. Juan Manuel Barredo Cahue President
  2. Juana Gómez Pérez Secrétaire
  3. Rodrigo Espada Belmonte Rapporteur
  4. Juan Carlos Arañó Gisbert Rapporteur
  5. Carlos Plasencia Climent Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


The purpose of this research to which we have entitled The image in the Plastic Expression textbooks. Last stage of E.G.B. in Spain (1970-1990), is to analyze and categorize the images of Plastic Expression textbooks in the upper stage of compulsory education during the mentioned period. For this, there has been a concrete and specific typology of images. Thus, research has been conducted based on some text books variables (Editorial; Year; Course; Guidance and Environmental topic) and imagen variables (Activities;; Specific Type; History of Art Type; Illustrations; Formal Aspects; Location; Format and Color), in relation to the objectives set out. The research has been carried out with 153 Plastic Expression textbooks, from the sixth, seventh and eighth courses of EGB which were located at the Spanish National Library, and which correspond to the period between 1970 and 1990 in Spain. There is evidence that its use and treatment, as well as its presence, have been influenced by the Catholic religion, by the cultural and artistic trends of the time, by the changes in the mindset of the emerging new society, and ultimately, by all the social, cultural, political, economic and religious transformations that the country suffered throughout twenty years.