El marco víctima y la mediación técnica periodística

  1. Urbano Molina, Clara
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Fernando José García Selgas Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 14 von Juni von 2017

  1. Cristina Peñamarín Präsident/in
  2. Amparo Lasén Díaz Sekretär/in
  3. José A. Zamora Vocal
  4. Luisa Martín Rojo Vocal
  5. Gabriel Gatti Casal de Rey Vocal

Art: Dissertation


This Thesis shares the words of N. Scheper Hughes and P. Bourgois (2004)when they affirm that the social and cultural dimensions are the ones which endowviolence with meaning and power. In this direction, the current investigation deals withmeaning attributed to the effects of that violence -since it forms part of their(im)possibility conditions-, and wonders, more concretely, what is called a victim andhow this category is articulated, which is at its peak during last decades (Wiewiorka,2005, 2006).To this end, I propose the concept of victim-frame –based on the term ‘frame’ of G.Bateson (1972) and E. Goffman (1974)-, to point out the chronotopic anchorage ofviolence. In other words, its dependence on a space-time-meaning and on an eye thatencodes it (including the investigating agency), which makes that what is considered asviolence or as a victim (within a particular type) varies depending on the coordinatesfrom which we depart. In this way, to study the victim-frame means to look for whatmakes a victim to be a victim, which varies space-temporally, and has much more to dowith the agencies that endow it with meaning and visibility than with the materialeffects of violence that are intended to portray...